Top-20: Psychological facts about Dreams.

Top-20: Psychological facts about Dreams.

1. You do not see a clock or watch in a dream.

2. Blind people have more nightmares than Non-blind people.

3. You can have 4-7 dreams in a single sleep.

4. Blind people also have dreams.

5. The average dream lasts between 10 - 15 minutes.

6. You forget 90% of your dreams.

7. The longest dreams last 30 - 45 minutes and occur in the mornings.

8. Five minutes after the end of a dream, we've already forgotten 50% of it.

9. Lack of sleep weakens the body.

10. The colder your bedroom is the worse your dreams will be. 

11. Newborns spend 50 - 80% of Sleep dreaming.

12. No matter how hard you try, You can never remember how your dream Started.

13. When someone appears in your dream, it means that person is
missing you.

14. You cannot read in a dream because reading & dreaming are functions of different sides of the brain, which do not co-operate during dreams.

15. An average person has about four dreams per night. Which adds up to 1460 dreams per year.

16. If you saw god in your dream, you will be healthy in the future.

17. Falling dreams can mean something is going in the wrong direction. such as a relationship, your finances, a goal or your reputation, etc.

18. Flying in a dream can symbolize Personal power, joy, freedom.

19. Snakes in dreams: Snakes can symbolize a toxic person in your life that needs to be handled or removed.

20. Women are said to have slightly longer dreams than men. 


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