Top-20: Psychological facts about Love.

 Top-20: Psychological facts about Love.


1. People generally prefer an attractive face over an attractive body when they are looking for a long-term relationship.

2. When people in love stare into each other's eyes, their hearts beat-sync together.

3. Man typically falls in love faster than women.

4. Psychologically, it is impossible to be just a friend with someone you have fallen in love with.

5. Mutual eye contact is a sign of love.

6. Couples who have similar qualities are not likely to last in a romantic relationship.

7. As per a few therapists, Human creatures are not equipped for being " just companions " with individuals from the other gender. 

8. At the point when you become truly near somebody, you can hear their voice in your mind when you read their writings. 

9. Love triggers oxytocin, the love hormone. It reduces stress.

10. If the crush on someone lasts more than 4 months, it is considered love.

11. Falling in love has a similar neurological effect as cocaine.

12. It takes 4 or less than four minutes to fall in love with someone.

13. People who are really in love tend to get jealous of stupid things.

14. Scientists estimate that you'll fall in love 7 times before you get married.

15. The pupil of the human eye contact as much as 45% when you look at someone you love.

16. People who never commit that they were in love, they usually trustless.

17. Being in love changes the brain in ways similar to obsessive-compulsive love.

18. When a boy falls in love he can do anything in the presence of his real love.

19. Love does not depend upon how much do you know about each other, it depends upon how much you can adjust.

20. In light of a mental report: a pulverize just goes on for a limit of 4 months. In the event that it surpasses you are now enamored.


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