Top-23: Interesting facts that will blow your mind.

Top-23: Interesting facts that will blow your mind.

1. If your DNA was to be stretched out, it would go from the earth to the moon and back, 6000 times.

2. Blowing out the candles on a birthday cake increases the number of bacteria on the cake by around 1400 percent.

3. Studies have shown that people who feel lonely are more likely to take longer showers.

4. Apple seeds contain cyanide, if you chew and eats 200 seeds, you will just die in a minute.

5. Vietnamese photographers captured this incredible image of weaver ants showing their legendary weightlifting skills.

6. Sometimes, the only reason why you won't let go of what's making you sad is that it was the only thing that made you happy.

7. There is a building in Japan that has a highway passing through its 5th, 6th, and 7th floors.

8. Tamarind (imli) stimulates bile production that leads to quicker and efficient digestion. it is also rich in fiber, which adds bulks to stools and helps easy bowel movements.

9. Super Mario wears a hat because his creator Shigeru Miyamoto couldn't draw hairs.

10. A selfie was taken at the top of mt. Everest destroys the flat earth theory once and for all.

11. Squirrels use their tail as an umbrella to protect from snow.

12. An average woman smiles 62 times a day, whereas an average man smiles only 8 times a day.

13. Pluto is smaller than Russia.

14. The “Titanoboa" lived 60 million years ago and is the largest, longest, and heaviest snake ever discovered.

15. Scientists recently discovered a new species of dogfish shark, called the Squalus Clarke.

16. Ever wondered why the Indian army, the navy, and the air force have different saluting style ??? the Indian army reveal their entire palm signifying that they are unarmed and that they are trusted for. as the sailor's hand would be greasy and dirty, they salute with their palm facing downwards. the air forces salute with their palm at a 45-degree angle showing their progress towards the sky.

17. Your body after death? after 3 days: nails start to fall off. after 4 days: hairs decay. after 5 days: the brain melts vigorously. after 6 days: the stomach melts out from the mouth. after 60 days: flesh is separated from bones and becomes acidic even the animals would not wish to stand near the graves due to the unbearable smell of rotten bodies. so much pride! so much greed! so much anger! so much evil! for what?

18. Neutron stars can rotate up to 500 times in 1 second.

19. You know you miss someone when as soon as something good happens, they're the first person you want to share it with.

20. Women in ancient India were always powerful and respected. here you can see women guardians of doors. with the most powerful weapon, the mace!

21. What hurts the most is when you trust someone blindly and that person proves to you that you are really blind.

22. A young girl wrote to google to give her father a day off as it was her father's birthday. this is what google sent back in reply.

23. You wake up just before you die in a dream because the brain doesn't know what comes after death.

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