Top-20: Weird facts about human behavior you wish you didn't know

Top-20: Weird facts about human behavior you wish you didn't know

1. Tell people your deepest secrets while looking into their eyes. They will feel an instant attraction. The science of Attraction. 

2. You can write a story better, which you experienced in your life,

3. While crying, in the event that somebody asks the justification the cry, you feel more and cry more.

4. The most time for breakups is around three to five months.

5. Colours like red, Orange & yellow make you hungry.

6. Individuals who dress well rest easy thinking about themselves and are by and large more joyful.

7. Use too many colors, which can make the mind more creative.

8. Hard work makes you happier compared to success.

9. Individuals will in general get quiet when furious to forestall a contention. 

10. The cute cartoons can make happy to old people.

11. Wearing good makes your confidence is high.

12. Intelligent people are more sensitive and suffer from negative emotions more.

13. Intense work? Start the work, you will acknowledge, it isn't that harder as you suspected.

14. Children who start to work at a small age, will mature physically in less time.

15. We will be very conscious if someone comments negatively about our physical looks.

16. The posture of people while handshake can tell a lot about their personality.

17. If we are near to a goal, then either we are so excited or very lazy.

18. After listening to the music, you feel positive.

19. Our mind can easily remember short sentences that's why all brand uses the tag line.

20. If a rumor is positive, people will verify and then trust it, but if a rumor is negative people will believe it without verification.


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