Understanding human behavior in psychology.

Understanding human behavior in psychology.

1. 85 percent of men mistake a Woman's friendly behavior for flirting.

2. It takes about four seconds for silence to become awkward.

3. You can cherish two individuals simultaneously yet never at a similar level. 

4. Youngsters think that it's simple to confide in individuals.

5. The best individual in your life is the person who strikes a chord first as you read this.

6. More than 70% of Teenagers age 15 to 17 keep away from typical everyday exercises, like going to class when they feel awful about their looks. 

7. Take care of yourself & your quality of thoughts because the only thing in your control is your thoughts.

8. Stress is our creation of wrong thoughts.

9. The person who is the same as you, a person with whom you can fall in love.

10. Targets, pressure, deadlines, exams are naturals, but stress is not natural.

11. Management of stress include. lifestyle modification, therapies, and medications.

12. Reach your destination with stability & happily not creating stress.

13. Stress is an inclination of enthusiastic mental or actual strain. It can emerge out of any occasion or contemplations that cause you to feel disappointed, irate, or apprehensive. 

14. Stress is not natural it’s your choice.

15. Stress can lead to obesity, depression, anxiety, skin problems, menstrual problems.

16. Chronic stress is one that lasts for a longer period of time, weeks or months example unhappy marriage, problems at work, Long term illness, etc.

17. If you speak and encourage yourself in front of the mirror, you will be mentally strong.

18. Sluggish individuals are extremely inventive with regards to getting sorted out their work. They don't squander energy on superfluous things and come to the heart of the matter.

19. We can only dream about things we already know

20. Most people imagine things from above and at an angle when they are thinking, dreaming, or planning something.


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