Top-20: Psychological facts about Humans you should know.

Top-20: Psychological facts about Humans you should know.

1. pregnant women remember dreams more than other populations. This is largely due to the extreme hormonal changes Just during pregnancy.

2. Children under the age of three do not dream about themselves.

3. Teenagers have less self-control. They are extremely impulsive.

4. If you don't share problems with anyone, you are mentally STRONG.

5. On the off chance that an individual snickers a lot of even at inept things, he is forlorn somewhere inside. 

6. Emotional people have a high level of willpower because they connect everything with emotion.

7. Individuals who offer the best guidance are typically the ones with the most issue. 

8. On the off chance that somebody loses control over senseless or pretty things, he needs love. 

9. Any friendship that was born in the period between 16 & 28 years of age is more likely to be long-lasting.

10. Shy people talk little about themselves, but they do this in a way that makes others feel that they know them very well.

11. Women have twice the pain receptor on their bodies as men, but they have much higher pain tolerances.

12. On the off chance that somebody eats in an unusual way, he/she is tense.

29. Listing to high-frequency music makes you feel calm, relaxed & happy.

13. Women generally prefer men with a husky voice, because they seem more confident and not aggressive.

14. If someone cries on small things, he/she is innocent and soft-hearted.

15. If someone can't cry, he is weak.

16. If a person sleeps a lot, it means he is sad.

17. People who have a strong sense of guilt are better at understanding other people's thoughts and feelings.

18. If a person speaks less, but speaks fast, he keeps secrets.

19. Great morning and pleasant evening instant messages initiate the piece of the mind liable for the satisfaction

20. Doing the thing that scares you, will make you happier.
